12 High Volume Band Finishers Sep 20, 2021

The use of bands is likely a missing aspect of your programming that allows for many advantages that straight weight does not have. Using...

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10 Exercises To Build Lockout Strength Sep 14, 2021

Lockout strength for competitive exercisers is paramount to their success on a number of levels. And this isn’t the case...

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New Ways To Build Strong Delts Sep 10, 2021

A strong, powerful set of deltoids gives the impression that you 1) know how to train, and 2) move some serious weight. But...

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20 Ways To Improve Your Training Aug 20, 2021

There comes a time in everyone’s training journey when we stop making gains. Most people start looking for the next best thing...

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Contrast Sets For Strength & Performance Gains Aug 20, 2021

Using ‘contrast sets’ (or complex sets) is a concept that stems back as early as the 1950s. The premise was to in essence...

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Band Exercise Essentials Aug 20, 2021

The use of bands is likely a missing aspect of your programming that allows for many advantages that straight weight does not have. Using...

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Is Linear Style Training The Right Fit For General Fitness? Aug 20, 2021

Over the last 10 years, I've experimented with linear periodization in my programming but always found more drawbacks than benefits...

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New Upper-Body Supersets You Havenโ€™t Tried Aug 20, 2021

Performing upper-body exercises in a ‘superset’ fashion where you go back and forth between both exercises with...

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Programming Sledwork Aug 20, 2021

Conditioning work does not have to be boring nor does it have to beat you up. Developing your General Physical Preparedness...

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New Pull-Up Challenges Aug 20, 2021

If you’re not aware of just how beneficial the pull-up is than you’ve more than likely have been living in a cave for the...

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How Often Should You Rotate Your Lifts? Aug 20, 2021

There are a few schools of thought in terms of rotating exercise selection, with the first being variation is key rotating assistance...

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Loaded Carries For Conditioning Aug 20, 2021

It’s no mystery that loaded carries have a multitude of uses. The fact that we are able to effectively check off multiple boxes in...

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Strong Ass = Strong Lifts Aug 20, 2021

The rise of glute training has been made popular for the most part by women. If you follow the “glute guy” Bret...

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The Grip & Strength Connection Aug 20, 2021

Grip training isn’t something that you see many people focusing on, but truth be told having a strong grip correlates with...

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3 Air Bike Conditioning Methods Aug 20, 2021

The Air bike has gained quite a bit of popularity over the last few years. Anyone who has used the air bike knows that this...

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The Squat Roundtable Aug 20, 2021

As a society with information at our fingertips at any given point in the day, you can follow just about any of your favorite strength...

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Specialized Biceps Training Aug 20, 2021

No physique is complete without a great set of guns and developing a great set of biceps will take more than just hanging out at the...

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10 Training Mistakes To Avoid Aug 20, 2021

It’s all too common to fall into the trap of taking training advice from social media “experts” that might have a great...

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