E-WOD Issue #23

Aug 16, 2024

Issue 23


Becoming Ronin, Rest Intervals, WYO Program, 200g of Protein & EWOD!


Welcome to this week’s E-WOD, fam! Today we’re covering:


  • A must-hear conversation 🗣️

  • A myth busting new meta analysis study 📖

  • A masterclass on writing your own program 🧑🏼‍💻

  • Here’s what adequate protein does for your body 🥩

  • A little change 🥹


Now l et’s dive in to this week’s issue!


x x x





By Jason Brown


Recently I had the privilege to sit down with Jim “Smitty” Smith- Joe DeFranco’s right hand- & Brian Oberther on their podcast to discuss all things program design.


My favorite conversations with anything related to programming are with people who are well-trained and well-informed, and this was a GREAT one.




Episode Timestamps:

[00:02] Introduction

[10:00] The Importance of the Aerobic System

[19:40] Consistency and Quality Over Quantity

[29:02] Balancing Variety and Consistency

[34:18] The Role of Repetition and Progression

[42:37] Creating Effective and Personalized Training Programs

[48:24] The Dangers of Poorly Designed Programs

[51:10] Prioritizing Quality over Quantity

[55:57] The Importance of a Structured Warm-Up Routine

[58:28] The Role of Online Trainers

[01:05:44] Dealing with Negative Comments and Criticism






 By Jason Brown


A new study that Dr. Brad Schoenfeld posted regarding rest intervals between sets confirmed what I’ve been saying for years.


Rest interval charlatans, your time is up!


Read the brief here.





By Jason Brown


So many athletes enjoy, in some capacity, writing their own programs.


But without solid background on the how and why it can become a time-consuming thing.


I put together a concise 18 minute video on how to write your own program, start to finish.


Check it out here: https://youtu.be/S8g7109gBvE




 By Dani Brown


Pigmie does some great experiment videos over on his YouTube channel and when I came across this one I was hooked from the first :20.


Realizing he’s eating 70-120g of total protein he embarks on 30 straight days of 200+g of protein.


While the physical results weren’t enormous, his thoughts about why (he clearly has some knowledge of this stuff) were right on the money. Chronic under consumption of protein is ubiquitous and takes more than 30 days to heal.


Check it out here.






EWOD is going away! We are sad to announce that with the migration of our site, we’ll be moving away from the newsletter style of emails. I know it’s been a big hit with so many of you, but the type of content we deliver will not change; only the format. We will still share all the health and wellness gems that we normally do. 



As always, thank you for reading this week’s issue of E-WOD!

See you next week and remember, results are king