E-WOD Issue #21

Aug 02, 2024

Issue 21


New Training Plan, Shoulder Saver, Resting Heart Rate Rule, Meal Prep and Wisdom


Welcome to this week’s E-WOD, fam! Today we’re covering:


  • JB’s new training plan 🚲

  • Something easy on the shoulders 💪

  • A rule on Resting Heart Rate 🫀

  • A delicious meal prep recipe 🍝

  • Some sage advice 🧙‍♀️


Now that my birthday is over, we officially only have five more months in the year…


How did this happen?! 🫠


All I know is that JB and I have made it 7 months now prioritizing our diets, aligning our training to our lives, and weeding away all distractions that do not move the needle in a big way, and we are both heading into the fall looking and feeling our best…maybe, ever?!

There is something to be said for consistently doing the 20% of work that makes 80% of the progress.

This is always the way we coach our 1:1 clients as well.

If you are interested in making improvements in your own health and fitness this fall, reply to this email as we will have 3 spots open at the end of August

Our approach is never cookie cutter, always personal, and our goal is simple: results 100% of the time.

Hit reply and tell us about your goals and we’ll let you know if we think we can help.

For now?

Let’s dive into this week’s issue.

But first, a quiz!

Q: What is the burning you feel when you do something high reps such as high volume walking lunges?

  (answer below) ...


Now, let’s get to it! 

x x x





By Jason Brown


I’ve been on the same training split for close to two years now, which consists of either full-body giant sets or circuits 3x per week and 2 60-minute Zone 2 sessions per week.

This has been a tremendous split for me and has helped me achieve the best results I’ve had in my life, but sometimes, even when things are working, you need to take a new direction

For a while now, I’ve had the itch to do more conditioning in the form of sleds, carries, and kettlebell work.

As a pro, I know to tune into that intuition and listen for what it’s trying to tell me.

My only issue?

Within the confines of a 5-day split, I’d need to replace a strength session with this work.

So here what I came up with:


Monday: Full Body Strength Work Pairings
Tuesday: 60-minute Zone 2
Wednesday: Full Body GPP Conditioning
Thursday: 60-minute Zone 2
Friday: Full Body Strength Work Pairings


A sample week might look like this:


Day 1:
1A. Squat
1B. Upper Pull
2A. Hinge
2B. Upper Press
3A. Single Leg
3B. Anti-extension Abs


Day 2:
1A. Sled Lower
1B. Carry
1C. Kettlebell Clean, Snatch, or Swing
1D. Bodyweight
1E. Sled Upper
1F. Cyclical


Day 3:
1A. Power
1B. Power
2A. Hinge
2B. Upper Press
3A. Single Leg
3B. Anti-extension Abs


The jury is still out on whether or not I’ll stick to this long-term (long-term being a full year), but my theory is that I’ll actually get more from my strength work this way and start to see more gains in my aerobic system.

Stay tuned for my experiment results…👨🏼‍🔬





 By Jason Brown


This one piece of equipment can solve so many shoulder issues.

It allows the vulnerable shoulder joint to move much more freely which creates less opportunity for impingements, and for that reason I’ve used it for years on myself and my clients.

Taking a barbell and dropping it into a landmine or simply lodging it into a corner wall with a towel for friction is a great way to replace typical pressing.

Check out my latest video on landmine variations below:





By Jason Brown


What’s your Resting Heart Rate' has been a question on my onboarding questionnaire for 1:1 clients for years.


Here’s why.


It really helps me determine the program bias.


Now, this is very generally speaking because you know there’s not many absolutes for me in fitness, but for the most part:


➔ Low resting HR means I’ll likely start the program off with a strength and/or hypertrophy bias…


➔ High resting HR means I’ll likely start the client off with a conditioning bias.


When done well this is incredibly effective in creating sustainable results.





 By Dani Brown


Every once in a while I just want a giant plate of pasta.


But I hate having to enjoy my pasta and then cap it off with a protein scoop because #highcarb.


So when I saw this recipe for ‘high protein pasta meal prep?!’ I was all over it.


Check this out: Chicken Parmesan Pasta






  1. Your choice: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-AxdkVpjYy/?igsh=MWljYjU4aDRrN3o0dw==

  2.  COMING SOON - brand new program for those new to their fitness journey, details TBA! #FoundationFit

  3.  A:  It's NOT lactic acid. What it actually is, is the decrease in pH from forming lactate and high intensity exercise that causes that burning sensation and therefore slows enzymatic activity and fatigue occurs. Enzymes as well as other factors are pH sensitive so in reality “lactate burn” is a misnomer. Did you know this?


As always, thank you for reading this week’s issue of E-WOD!

See you next week and remember, results are king

JB + DB 


PS - have you found value in E-WOD? Let us know! There may be a gift involved 😌⇩