E-WOD Issue #9

May 10, 2024

Issue 9

[Healthy] Ice Cream, Elite Coaching, A Program That Surprised, And The Biggest Lie


Welcome to Issue 9 of E-WOD!

In this week's issue we are covering:


  • Our new favorite home ice cream recipe 🍦
  • A completely revamped coaching opportunity 📈
  • A Bro Split Program Review 🎥
  • The worst nutrition lie? 🥕
  • A sale for the moms! 💝 


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The mood in the Brown household lifted significantly with a few 70+ degree days, as our 7yo noted "when it's rainy and gray it makes me feel gray. And sad too. The sun makes me feel grateful."


At JBC HQ, we've been busy AF finishing up some new projects we cannot WAIT to talk about. What we can say though is that our commitment to being your best training and coaching resource is stronger than ever.

After a year of refining our programming certification, the CCPSC, we've gained invaluable insights and are using those to guide us through the rest of 2024. We've actually made the really tough decision to pause the CCPSC for the rest of this year, recognizing the gap between what coaches think they need and the essential skills CCPSC offers.

Simply stated, it's been an uphill road to get coaches to understand the importance of excellent programming skills.

Fortunately, our athletes understand this well! And we've recommitted to doubling down on our strengths, the place we know we can make the most impact...

Focusing on supporting our athletes who are committed to excellence. 

Looking forward, you are going to notice even more value from JBC: new offers, new programs, new support systems, and most importantly, new results.

Being the best is what drives Jason and I and we are constantly striving to improve and provide you with the best possible experience. Stay tuned for some exciting updates coming in this month's issues of E-WOD.

Now let's dive in!





By Jason Brown

It's official, we have found the holy grail of healthy desserts.

If you've been reading along, I've been trying to lose some weight, but I've also realized that I might be a sugar addict and it's been hard (way harder than expected) to quit my weekend ice cream or cookie treat!

For my birthday this year Dani bought me a Ninja Creami. 

I was pumped to use it but the first few batches were duds and I thought it was the machine's fault.

Turns out, no.

After using different protein powder and actually reading some instructions (!!) we're now pumping out ice cream at the Brown household daily, and not feeling bad about it at all.

Here's our go-to recipe right now:

12oz Raw Milk (yes raw, and yes its absolutely delicious and safe)

1 scoop vanilla protein powder Handful of frozen blueberries

2 Tbsp. Raw Honey Or Maple Syrup

Freeze all above ingredients overnight. Pop into the Ninja and select Ice Cream. Remove after the first cycle, add 1-2 Tbsp of honey or maple syrup (the honey consistency is what makes this taste like the real thing), put it back in the Ninja and select "Re-Spin". Take it out and enjoy it as-is or add 1Tbsp of mini chocolate chips. Yes.


>> If you don't have a Ninja Creami, it looks like there's a pretty good deal going on right now, I think we paid just over $200 for it! 





By Jason Brown

If keeping fit over 40 feels more challenging than empowering, I’m reaching out with an opportunity that I'm incredibly excited about.

I'm coming back to my roots. 

Last year, if you attended any live calls I did in my groups, you probably heard me state something along the lines of "the world doesn't need another coach".

But it's more like we don't need another 'pop-up coach'...what we are in desperate need of is truly exceptional coaches.

Those are as rare as a unicorn these days.

I've had athletes tell me they paid thousands of dollars to work with a high ticket "coach" and yet got better results on my $30/month training subscriptions. 

It's clear that there’s a need for something more—something genuinely custom, personal and transformational.

After several months of intensive development and refinement of our offer, I’m excited to announce that I am opening up four exclusive spots for 1:1 coaching with me, designed to redefine what high-level support should look like in the realm of fitness and nutrition.

ELITE 1:1, an ultra-exclusive coaching program tailored for discerning individuals over the age of 40; a personalized path to mastery over your fitness and nutrition—an experience that promises not just to meet but exceed your expectations of what personal coaching can deliver.


In ELITE you can expect:


  • For your physique to match your effort. You'll be provided with a custom nutrition plan perfectly aligned with your goal whether it's to shed the last 10 lbs, adding lean mass, or simply getting on track with what and when to eat.

  • To never worry about time, travel, vacations, events, old injuries or equipment limitations, because you'll have a 100% custom training program that fits your life’s constraints and ambitions, adapting with you in any life phase. 

  • Weekly coaching for both training and nutrition, ensuring you're supported every step of the way, moving well and always understanding the why.

  • Access to our new, exclusive community (details coming soon 🤩) that includes everything you need to be successful with training, nutrition, mindset and habits. 

I have set up a very basic form for you to let me know you may be interested in working together and you can read a bit more about ELITE here --> ELITE 1:1 Interest




By Jason Brown

This week's program review is from Zach Perna's Bro Split.

This is a four-week hypertrophy program, and it was definitely an interesting review to say the least.

Is his program right for you? Find out below!

I analyze the training split, distribution of volume across a week, fundamental elements of proper programming, and more. 

Zac Perna ⇩




By Dani Brown

The biggest lie ever told about fat loss...?

I'd say 'just eat less' is one that drives me crazy. 

I have family member who, for at least 10 years has been telling me she cannot lose weight.

"I barely eat and I'm still just fat, Dan"

She has barely been eating for years...

And therein lies the problem.

See for well-fed people (meaning people who have eaten at maintenance calories or higher for a good period of time), the metabolism has adapted to being fueled properly and so in response, it burns that fuel.

But for someone who has been chronically
underfed for a long period of time, their metabolism has also adapted, but in the opposite direction.

The human body is so neat.

Back in cavepeople days, the body did not know when the next meal would come. So, it did something brilliant for survival. It would slow it's metabolism so to NOT burn too much energy, and then direct the energy it did have to the areas needed, like the brain.

This is great news for someone stuck out in the desert in 2024 that forgot to bring their lunch box, not great for people like my aunt.

To be able to lose body fat, there is a crucial step needed to begin with and that is eating more.

Now that does not mean it's a free for all in terms of what types of food to eat.

You should always be eating high quality nutrient dense foods, but one thing that is SO easy and can almost guarantee you'll be eating at maintenance calories is to simply eat 1g of protein for every pound of bodyweight, eg a 156lb person would eat roughly 156g of protein per day.

If you've been underfed for a long period of time this is a great place to start.

So, the advice I have given to my aunt at every holiday party or family gathering?

Quite literally, just 2-3x the amount of protein you are eating at every meal and do nothing else, t
hen call me after doing that for 30 days.

She hasn't yet so I'll just keep saying it...🥴

So the moral of the story? Eat food to burn food, and be relentless in hitting your protein goals each day. Progress will be inevitable. 




Mother's Day is a few days away and I know there's some procrastinators reading this right now (hello husband), so men, it's time to put your flower order in if you haven't yet.

I love Urban Stems as they have super unique bouquets that I never see elsewhere.

And don't go cheap, just get the giant one: https://urbanstems.com/. We didn't survive childbirth for nothin.

To those of you who do not have a mom to celebrate with this holiday, we send our love to you 💕


Second, moms that lift are the real gangsters of the world, and they deserve to look and feel amazing.  If a mom you know loves to train hard and would love to add some padding to the peach, we've got a huge sale just for her!...

50% off our Built StrongHER 6-week training program.

I did this program a few months ago and I absolutely LOVED it... it checked all the boxes for me:

-Workouts took less than 50 minutes

-It hit the glutes several times each week

-I got a killer pump

I'm just saying that if I wasn't married to the King of Programming, I would seriously love to be gifted a booty program 😆.


Grab Built StrongHER for 50% off this weekend!

Click the link above or just use code MOMSRULE50 at checkout.  



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And lastly, if you're a fan of the five-time Mr. Olympia, Chris Bumstead, do yourself a favor and watch this excellent interview he did on Lewis Howes' podcast, Greatness. Super engaging and interesting to hear the mindset behind one of the world's most dedicated athletes: 

Thank you as always for reading!

See you next week and remember: results are king

JB + DB 


PS - if you have a moment would you give us your opinion on E-WOD? There may be a free gift involved 😌⇩