E-WOD Issue #19

Jul 19, 2024

Issue 19


Steal My Strategy, Eating On A Cut, Fluoride, Eating to Lose


Welcome to this week’s E-WOD, fam! Today we’re covering:


  • My top strategy 🏃🏻‍♂️

  • Full day of eating on a cut 🥭

  • The fluoride scam 🦷

  • Eating food to lose weight ⚖️


JBHQ has been busy busy working on the last leg of our full website migration (FINALLY!), and we just want to stress that if you have yet to download any training programs from your JBC account please do so ASAP. Certs, courses and templates will remain on the old website for you to access but programs will not.


Now, lets dive in but one question for you first…  


Do you know how many calories are in ONE gram of fat?

(answer below) ...


Now, let’s get to it! 


x x x




By Jason Brown


I’ve spent years mastering the art of combining strength with conditioning so that you don’t have to.

Steal my strategy to double the results you get from your strength training right here…





 By Jason Brown


In the past 12 weeks or so I’ve gone from 199lbs down to 183lbs.

Here’s what I’ve eaten pretty much daily since starting:


4 Whole Eggs
1 Slice of Cheese
2 Pieces of Sourdough Bread


Lunch (2 hours before training)
10 oz Grassfed Beef, 90%
1 Piece of Fruit or 1 Serving Dry Mango


Post Training
8 oz Raw Milk
2 tbsp honey
1.5 scoops grassfed whey from ATP Labs (code JBC15 for 15% off)


2 Cups of Egg Whites
1 Cup of Vegetables


My last meal of the day is 5PM.

Other things I consume are two cups of coffee in the morning with cream.



2,002 kcals
134g Carbs
74g Fat
197g Protein


Has it been easy?

No! I go to bed most nights with my stomach crying. 

Has it been worth it?


Seeing more definition everywhere has been the motivation I need, but I’m ready to start eating a bit more and adding back in some much missed chocolate chip cookies 🍪.




By Dani Brown


Fluoride is so toxic that its considered a hazardous waste by the EPA.

Unfortunately anyone that has come forward to warn the population of the dangers of adding this chemical to drinking water as well as toothpaste has historically been named crazy, or better yet just canceled.

But the studies are hard to ignore-- here & here.

It’s no doubt now that fluoride lowers IQ, affects cognition, and lowers memory. It does this because fluoride is one substance that crosses the BBB- the blood brain barrier- and accumulates there, causing issues over years and years.

I could write a dissertation on the very taboo subject of fluoride usage, but I highly recommend two things:


  1. Ditching fluoridated toothpaste ASAP (we use hello or Boka; Boka highly recommended as it is a remineralizing paste and your teeth can actually heal in the right conditions despite what traditional dentistry says)

  2. Following @‌askthedentist on IG and watching some of his content on this topic

  3. BONUS: find a biological dentist near you! Bio dentists are just beginning to pop up all over the country but may not be available near you. The main differenece between a bio and a traditional dentist is that they treat teeth as an extension of the body; not separate organisms. They look at the entire system holistically and treat as such. It’s a very different lens than the traditional route. And, you won’t find a drop of fluoride in a bio dentist’s office. What you will find, is many many healing modalities as your teeth can absolutely heal contrary to what we’ve been taught.




 By Dani Brown


A quick lesson…

Your maintenance calories, or TDEE [Total Daily Energy Expenditure], are what you need to maintain your current weight.

Your BMR [Basal Metabolic Rate] is how much you need just to stay alive, even if you never get out of bed.

To lose weight, eat slightly less than your TDEE.

Never eat less than your BMR.

By definition that’s starvation.

Chronic starvation/undereating is a surefire way to hold on to stubborn body fat.





1. There’s just under 2 weeks left of the conditioning challenge over on our TrainHeroic teams and we love to see all the athletes that are doing their conditioning every week! Keep it up guys!



2. Dani’s 40th is eight days away and there may be a couple sale emails sent your way…👀


3. Answer: 9 calories for one gram fat. 



As always, thank you for reading this week’s issue of E-WOD!

See you next week and remember, results are king

JB + DB 


PS - have you found value in E-WOD? Let us know! There may be a gift involved 😌⇩