E-WOD Issue #18

Jul 12, 2024

Issue 18


Staying Jacked, Mewing, A Tip For Parents, & Triple Threat

Welcome to this week’s E-WOD, fam! Today we’re covering: 


  • Staying jacked after your 40s 💪

  • The incredible benefits of mewing 🐈‍⬛

  • A brand new program, maybe? 🔱

  • A [hopefully] helpful parenting tip 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

  • A new pod and a challenge 🥇


We hope you had an incredible week! 

We have an exceptional number of new friends here on EWOD this week, and wanted to welcome all 366 of you.

EWOD is the one place we tend to get a little personal and share some stuff that's working for us personally, professionally, and parentally 😋.

We hope you love it, and if not, there's ways out! 

Side note to everyone taking part in the Conditioning Challenge...you guys are KILLING IT. Keep it up, and see below for some thoughts...

But first, a quiz! 

What is the proper amount of rest for power work for the Phosphagen system?
(answer below)


Now, let’s get to it! 





By Jason Brown


If you’re over 40 and still training the way you did in your 20s and 30s, I have good news.

You don’t need to, if you don’t want to.

If you’re feeling called to do a little less, but you still have the fear of not wanting to lose your gains, this video was made for you. 

It’s under 10 minutes and lays out my strategy I used to get in better shape now than I was in my 30s.





 By Dani Brown


Have you heard of the newest trend called mewing?

Teens all over are mewing all day long at school, and parents all over are wondering if mewing is something they even want to ask about…

Personally I thought it was a new trend and had teens making cat noises. 

Fortunately, the name is weird but what it actually is, is AWESOME.

And if you have kids that may need braces, I’m about to save you thousands of dollars.

If you have a jawline or chin line that you feel could use improvements, this is the solution you’ve been looking for.

Now if you’ve been here a while you know that JB and myself are big proponents of nasal breathing (see The Oxygen Advantage and Breath by James Nestor)- for SO many beneficial reasons.

We taped our mouths shut for years until it just became habit.

Now, I sleep like a baby with my tongue locked to the roof of my mouth and I wake up with zero congestion, ever. My husband has also commented that my neck has improved 😆(I have a history of turkey neck in my family ok?) 

But mewing takes things to a whole new level. And the name? It's just the last name of the doctor that invented it. 

This is absolutely incredible. Check it out.






  By Jason Brown


It’s been a little bit since I launched a big program.

My training subscriptions have done so well over the last two years that I haven’t felt a huge need to.

But I’ve perfected my method so much in that time that I finally started to map out what it might look like if I did create a new one…

First, it would need to highlight all of my strengths as a coach:

Results without pain,

Killer physique without 10 hours in the gym every week,

Hypertrophy and performance,

Raw strength and conditioning

Second, it would need to be long enough to realize the gains…

9 weeks, for sure.

Plus, a testing week to start and a testing week to end. 11 weeks in total. 


And lastly it would need to be so damn good that people would not get bored or stale…

For that, I’d need three distinct phases, each with their own intent.

And maybe, I’d call it Triple Threat…

Maybe. 😏






 By Dani Brown


Three weeks ago I hired a parent coach.

I’ve been struggling to deal with a few constant issues that I just can't seem to squash with the kids for some time now and decided that asking for help might be the answer. I’m just not very good at asking for help.

It occurred to me that I’ve poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into business coaches, and invested less than a couple hundred bucks learning how to be the best mom I can be.

I decided to fix both.

So far I’ve had three calls with my coach and I’m already seeing progress. 

If interested her name is Elizabeth Stitt and you can find her on her website and can also poke around on her IG for some very practical tools and advice.

And today I wanted to share one thing that we just started implementing with profound success: The Family Meeting.

It works because it allows everyone, down to the youngest, to participate. This helps everyone to feel seen, heard, and important in the family structure.

Here’s how it goes:

5 minutes - Acknowledgements
: Each family member shares one good thing that happened this week or an acknowledgement. Go around the circle until each family member has shared 2-3 times.

10 minutes - Calendar Check
: Have a central calendar with any individual commitment that is going to affect the rest of the family – classes, sports games, PTA meetings, special requests for cookie baking, Halloween costumes, etc. Use this time to get it all down so that you can see where there are going to be conflicts and then brainstorm how to get everyone’s needs met. (In our home we use Hearth Display)

15 minutes - Discussion Items: over the course of the week, keep a list of agenda items that need to be discussed at the family meeting. It might be some issue that is causing a problem like wet towels on the floor or mud being tracked through the kitchen. Maybe one child feels his sibling is getting to choose which TV show to watch more often than he is. An older child might want to revisit the family’s curfew policy. There is no issue that is off limits for discussion.

15-30 minutes - Family Fun
: at the end of the meeting, take turns picking a family activity that you can all do together. It could be reading a chapter book out loud, it could be a board game, or it could be a family challenge like a ping pong tournament. If the family agrees, it could be a longer activity like watching a movie together.

We had our first meeting and when it came to the discussion I fully anticipated our 5yo son to tune out, but to my astonishment, on his turn he said "One of my issues is that dinner has issues" 😭. Getting him to eat ANYTHING besides mac n cheese or pizza is an epic battle, and most nights there's a lot of frustration on both ends. I was SO proud he thought of it and it created a moment for all of us to brainstorm. 

Anyhow, I know not everyone reading has kids. But if you do and you have similar struggles, maybe this will help. 





 By Jason Brown


1. Ep 48 of the Strong AF x Well-Conditioned Show is hot off the press!

Find out my best ways to build size and strength right here: https://www.jasonbrowncoaching.com/podcasts/the-strong-af-x-well-conditioned-show/episodes/2148725921

 2. The Conditioning Challenge over on Team CXC and Team EVOLV is heating UPPPP! We’ve never seen so many conditioning receipts! And it seems like everyone is really enjoying getting their cardio in. We’re actually now considering doing a really big Fall Kickoff Challenge to include the holy trinity of fitness: strength, conditioning, and nutrition. We’ll keep you posted as we’re meeting on it early next week!

3. Answer: 15-20x the amount of work.


As always, thank you for reading this week’s issue of E-WOD!

See you next week and remember, results are king

JB + DB 


PS - have you found value in E-WOD? Let us know! There may be a gift involved 😌⇩