E-WOD Issue #17

Jul 05, 2024

Issue 17


Wendler 5/3/1 Review, Five Travel WODs, Sage Advice and RLT


Welcome to this week’s E-WOD! Today we’re covering:

  • Program review of 5/3/1 🏋️‍♀️
  • A few travel workouts for you 🏕️
  • Sage advice from Dani 2.0
  • Red light therapy 🚨


To our USA fam, we hope you had an incredible Independence Day wherever you are.


We drove up north with family yesterday, spent the day hanging at the river and parade hopping and will be seeing the big fireworks show tomorrow night. Kids are pumped and so are we; due to various circumstances our kids have never actually seen a legit fireworks show so it’s a big day over here!


Quick note before we get to this week’s issue of E-WOD, just wanted to let you know that this week is launch week for……


6-12-25 Full Body Templates!


Two methods. Three blocks. Nine weeks. One downloadable program. Get the 6-12-25 Shock Method paired with Full Body Training in one simple to follow fill in the blank template! Available for purchase today through Wednesday 7/10 only. $10 off for the first 15 purchases with code 'FIRST15'.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and if you’re on the road and in need of some very basic and effective workouts, JB’s got you covered below!


x x x



THE WARM UP | 5/3/1

By Jason Brown


Arguably one of the most well-known training programs of all time, Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 Program has been used in gyms all over the world for years and years, and for good reason.

Check out my latest program review here, and please drop a comment if you enjoy it!




 By Jason Brown


Traveling this week and need some workouts that require little equipment and still pack a punch? Here’s five travel WODs for you- just bring your kettlebell!



5 Rounds of:
8 Russian Swings
8 Goblet Squats
8 Kettlebell Push Press each
8 Kettlebell Rows each
Rest 2:00 between rounds



3 Rounds of:
400 Meter Run
30 Walking Bodyweight Lunges
20 Yoga Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
Rest 2:00 between rounds



KB Cleans
KB Thruster
KB Gorilla Rows
*Rest as needed between rounds



AMRAP 20 with one single kettlebell:
1 Turkish Get-up each
5 Kettlebell Around The Worlds Each
5 Clean + Reverse Lunge each
5 Snatch each
5 Single Arm Thrusters each



4 rounds of:
1a. Goblet Squat x 10. Rest 45s.
1b. Single Arm Russian Swings x 10 each. Rest 45s.
1c. Dips x 10. Rest 45s.
1d. Inverted Rows x 10. Rest 45s.





Happy birthday to our own Dani B 2.0!!!!




 By Dani Brown

Do you, or have you, struggled with any of the following?…

(This is not an infomercial, I swear, just sounds like it LOL)

  • Wrinkles from aging

  • Scarring and/or stretch marks

  • Hair loss

  • Acne/Rosacea

  • Chronic pain

  • Wound healing

  • Muscle soreness (DOMS)

  • Belly fat and/or cellulite


Red Light Therapy might be just the thing you need.


Science is coming out on RLT fast and furiously and studies are extraordinarily promising.


We just bought this one and can tell you, it works! Check out the reviews for yourself 😎




 By Jason Brown


Dani Brown is turning 40 on July 27th and in honor of her we’ll be running an Over The Hill Sale, keep your eyes peeled!



As always, thank you for reading this week’s issue of E-WOD!

See you next week and remember, results are king

JB + DB 


PS - have you found value in E-WOD? Let us know! There may be a gift involved 😌⇩